Wednesday, March 11, 2009

National Sorry Days/ Lubicon Land Claims

1. In Australia 1997 an inquiry was held on the issue of weather or not to remove aboriginal children from their farmiles, known as the "stolen generations" .  After this happened, one year later  Nation Sorry Days became a holiday in Australia.  This holiday  is meant to acknowledge that wrong had been done to indigenous families in Australia, and they wanted to begin the healing process by saying they were sorry. 
As a result to national sorry day more people are aware of these serious issues, and events are being held to acknowledge these issues. At these events there are indigenous Australian citizens, and non-indigenous citizens speaking about this issue, and showing the people that they are cared for. Also, there is a day dedicated to this cause ever year, which helps people to remember. 

2. The problem with the Lubicon people is that they are very upset because the government is drilling for oil on their land, and so they are not getting any profit from this. In my opinion I don't think they have any right to complain about the government because they are being handed hundreds of dollars each year just because of their rase. I don't think anything should be done in the fix this because I think the people need to realize just how lucky they are, and they are already getting many benefits from the government that not all Canadian citizens have. I think it is rude of them to be so harsh on the government when they are being given so much. 
I don't think anything else needs to be done to make these people happy because they are already given so much. If they stopped and looked around them and noticed how many people are suffering from having no money, and they are handed money every month they would realize that there is no need to complain. They are already well off as it is!

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