Monday, March 30, 2009


The term colonialism refers to governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people. Colonialism happened in the country of Sudan in the late 1800's and early 1900's. 

In the past Britain an Egypt have played a huge roll in the history of Sudan. Late in the 1800's Britain colonized and ruled over Sudan. A few years later in 1899 Britain and Egypt joint in the ruling of Sudan. Together they came up with this policy "closed door". This policy was used to separate the cultures and people of the north and south from each other. When this happened the majority of the North was populated mainly by Arab decent, while the South was mainly populated with people from the African origin.  In 1965 Sudan finally regained their independence and they agreed to abandon the "closed door" policy. When this happened the two sides of the country were reunited and the power was handed over to the north, which means the Arab race has given the power. The Arabs then enforced their way of life and culture onto everyone else despite their personal beliefs. The people who did not agree with the Islamic way of life were denied many rights. These tension eventually led to a civil war, and even to this day the people of this country do not get along with one another, and they are unable to work as one.

I personally believe that instead of the constant battle between the northern and southern Sudan they should just become two separate countries, and end this strife. I think it wrong that the North was given all the power, and the south really had no influence in the decision making. I think it would be nice if these people could just get along and learn to function together. However, the tension between them is so strong that this is probably not a possibility, which is sad.

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